Friday, May 8, 2020

Managing Conflict At A Dental Clinic Manager - 2108 Words

Conflict at any time is inevitable in the workplace setting; Working on a military Installation as a dental clinic manager they also can have problems with conflict. Conflict can arise between co-workers, supervisors and subordinates and or between employees and customers, suppliers and regulatory agencies. How, you as the manager handle conflict with your spouse can be completely different than how you handle conflict with a co-worker especially in a manager’s perspective. Managing conflict is a key in management proficiency that all managers should study. Practicing effective conflict management skills will help to maintain a positive workplace environment for employers and employees. As a manager one must acknowledge that they control how a department will function, working in a dental clinic a department manager’s position is crucial for an organization because they are the reference that serves the entire operation. This leader has to believe in the foundation of the company by acting accordingly into their role. A manager wears many hats and needs to know what role they must play in order to be successful. An organization should recognize that at times conflict can arise in the workplace and a systematic process should be followed. There are various types of conflict and guidelines to effectively resolve conflict to which they are addressed. Conflict management is the process of preparing to avoid conflict and organizing to resolve conflict where it does happen,Show MoreRelatedManager s Perspective For Resolving Conflicts2328 Words   |  10 Pagesperspective for resolving conflicts. (Dental Clinic) Purpose: To Educate Managers of a Dental Clinic on how to handle conflict in the workplace. Conflict at anytime is inevitable in the workplace setting’ working on a Military installation as a dental clinic manager may also have tribulations with conflict. 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